Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Duchess of Derbyshire

Christine slowly rose to her feet, her big, almond-shaped, green-blue eyes scanning her surroundings with confusion. She looked franticly around for Paul, but he was nowhere in sight.

“I never should have followed him into the door in the wall!” She exclaimed. “Why is he so- erg!”

She balled her hands up to make fists, and with an exasperated sigh started walking through the tall, untamed, grass.

“Paul!” she cried. “Paul where are you?!”

She heard a twig snap in the woods a few feet away, and spun quickly around. She couldn’t see anything, but timidly made her way to that area. She shivered as thoughts of a wild beast hiding in the woods, ready to pounce, filled her mind.

“P-Paul.” She stammered. “T-this is the last time I’m calling out for you! I’m going to leave you! I’m going back to the chamber!”

Suddenly leaves started to crinkle, there was a low growl, and then a shadowy form rushed towered her. She held up her arms in a protective stance, and with a scream, closed her eyes, trying to shut out the reality of it all. Laughter suddenly broke out into the air. Christine opened her eyes to find Paul standing before her, arms crossed, with an amused look on his face; his own blue eyes dancing with fun. “That wasn’t funny Paul!” Christine yelled, as she rushed towered him. “It could have been a lion, and I could have been attacked and killed!”

His laughter grew louder as she said this, which made her anger rise even more. Before she thought, she felt her hand swiftly flow across his right cheek. The laughter stopped, and was replaced by a glare, as he lifted his hand to his, now reddened cheek. His other hand flew up to return the slap, but caught himself in time.

“Never” he said in a horse voice, “do that again. I am no gentleman, Madam. The next time you strike me, it will be returned.”

As he said this he turned away and started walking in the direction of the woods. Christine let the breath out that she had involuntarily held, while he was making his short speech.

“Well that is the first truthful thing that you have told me since we have met!” She shot back.

He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. “What is that supposed to mean?”

She gathered the skirt to her dress up in her arms and stomped to where he was.

“That” she stated, “Meant that since the moment we were introduced, you have told me nothing but lies!”

“Oh! And that was so long ago!” He sarcastically shot back, “Because I’m supposed to tell everyone woman that I meet at a ball- a fortnight before- the entire truth about my life!”

“Well it would be easier for people to trust you!” She declared.

“Oh it didn’t seem you had any problem trusting me when I said my father was the Duke of Derbyshire, and that I was to inherit the whole property!” He accused.

She gasped, and he could tell that he hit a nerve. She lifted her head up to look into his eyes, for they were now close enough that she could feel his warm, breath on her hair.

“I would have danced with you anyway.” She whispered. “I would have danced with anyone to get away from Mr. Dunnford!

He chuckled, and she laughed. Suddenly she realized how close they actually were. She quickly stepped back, to put proper distance in between them. As she did this, her foot got caught on the hem of her dress; she lost her balance, and with a small scream, fell backwards. Paul reached out with one of his strong arms, and caught her around her waist; and with the other, grabbed her arm and pulled her close to himself to steady her. She made some unsteady raps of breaths before he could tell that she was calm and steady, though he still did not release her. The closeness of her body to his shot chills up and down his whole being. She looked up at him with her big, beautiful eyes, now scared and confused-the look of pure innocence. He wondered on the inside how a woman of her age- almost one and twenty- could still have this much innocence still in her. The thought took control of him, and he looked deeply into her eyes, mesmerized by it all. He suddenly could contain himself no longer, as he lowered his head to kiss her. He could hear a slight gasp escape her lips as realization dawned on her as to what was happening, though she did not pull away. As his lips touched hers, she moved her head back slightly, unsure of what she should do, but he pulled her closer, and moved his head closer to hers to make up for the small distance she had just put between them. This time when their lips touched, she didn’t fight it, and he kissed her more passionately then anyone he had ever kissed before. Heat filled his being as he did this, and he heard her moan. He suddenly pulled away and released her. She stumbled backwards, confusion written all over her face. Whether it was from the kiss or that fact that he had suddenly pulled away, he did not know. All he knew was that he had never felt this way in his entire life. She made him feel powerless, and he didn’t like it. He lost all control when he was around her, he needed to get away. Without a word he turned and started walking swiftly into the forest.

When Christine’s senses finely returned, she realized what he was doing. She huffed and started to follow him,

“So is that how it’s going to be?!” She yelled. “Kiss me and then just walk away?”

He turned around to say something, but right then thirty men in unusual uniforms surrounded him. Christine started to scream and kick as three of the men grabbed her arm and started dragging her into the woods.


  1. awwww man! just as it was getting good. Man, I must say that you have a way of describing!

  2. Haha! I'll put somemore of it on tonight! ;)
    and thanks. I think. hahaha
