Monday, November 8, 2010

Broken Home

So I took a little break from the story (okay, like a major long one) But instead of spending my time working more on this story, I spent my time writing a depressing poem.  I have no idea why, because I do not feel depressed at all- quiet the opposite actually.  I feel very blessed, and love my life right now!  So anywho- here it is:

She fights back the tears
As she watches them fight
Wishing that they would stop
Wishing with all her might
She tries to block them out
The venomous word they shout
She holds her hands to her ears
Trying to stop the tears
As she runs from the room
The echoes, they follow her
Like demons in the night
 They taunt her and tease her
 As her world becomes drained of light
She doesn’t want to go back
Back to her broken home
Back to the emptiness
 Her world has become
The tears flow freely down
Down her cheeks
Down her chin
Down to the puddle on the cold, cement floor
Pain fills her body
Down to her core
“What did I do to make them fight like this?”
She cries
As tears once again fill her eyes
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
She sorrowfully screams
Hours have gone by
Or so it seems
She slowly gets up
As if in a dream
She walks back to the home
Of hatred and strife
A prison she’s been in all her life
The screams once again appear
Sounds of brokenness is all she can hear
She walks passed the room that the voices are in
Knowing that it won’t stop until one of them wins
She closes her door
And looks up to Heaven
Tired of having her parents at war
“What have I done to make them do this?”
She cries once more
No answer
She falls to the floor
“Just take my life, Lord!”
She pleads with her Father
“Take me Home, so I’m no longer a bother!”
She looks around her room
An idea
It pops into her head
She could be with her Father right now
Right now if she were dead
Without thinking she climbs out her window
Onto her roof
That is now covered in the winter’s white snow
The cool air hits her like a blanket of ice
But she doesn’t feel it
As she takes the Devil’s advice
And looks down at the ground
And takes a step without a sound
It took an hour
Before her body was found
This is a poem
About a broken girl
And her broken heart
Who left this world
 And her broken home.

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