Friday, February 4, 2011

Faith as Strong as a Mountain

Faith as Strong as a Mountain
Faith Purseland pulled her navy-blue jacket closer to her body and shivered.   Although her favorite season was fall, she still missed the sun.   It had been in the low 40’s and rainy for the past two and a half weeks.  She- and probably everyone else in Chicago- were ready for a real fall.  Regrets of not accepting a ride home from her work filled her mind as a gust of wind blew into her face, burning her cheeks with its cold air and blowing her curly, blonde hair in her face.  Making a “phft” sound, she tried blowing her hair out of her mouth, but her lip gloss kept a few strands on her lips.  Reaching her hand up to her mouth, she pulled the hair away from her mouth, and tucked it behind her ear.   Her mind drifted to last night, and a smile flew across her face, and a tint of blush pink joined the pink already on her cheeks from the cold.   Drew Webber- her crush for a year- told her that he liked her over dinner last night.  She had been dreaming of that moment for months, though she was kind of disappointed. 
“Though who wouldn’t be?” She thought to herself.  Getting Dr. Pepper spilled all over her brand new white skirt, and a bruise on her butt when she missed the seat that Drew had pulled out for her, wasn’t really what she had in mind for a romantic confession, but who cares?  After he admitted his feeling for her, and her for him, everything else was gravy!
Her mind shot back to the present as she neared the last block before reaching her home.  She always hated this part… Faith quickened her pace as a girl about 15 tried walking up to her, hands outstretched, and sorrow in her big, dark-brown eyes.
“Please miss,” The poor stranger pleaded. “Please, could you spare some change for a starving girl?”
Tears sprung to Faith’s ivory-green eyes as she shook her head and kept walking.  “I’m sorry. “ She replied.  Not daring to glance back.  Oh how she wished she could help her!  It wasn’t fair that she was so blessed, and someone like that girl, have nothing.  Faith had 4 jackets at home, not including all the sweaters, coats...  She stopped mid stride, and froze. 
I have four jackets at home. This girl has none.”  Turning around, Faith made her way back to the girl, who was now sitting against a wall, hugging her knees, her skinny frame rocking back and forth to stay warm.   Her dirty hair, tangled and knotted, fell over her shoulders like brown bundles of wool.  Faith unbuttoned her jacket and pulled it off.  Instantly the cold hair attacked her bare skin, making goosebumps appear on her bare arms as she shivered.   She handed her jacket to the girl, who by this time stared wide-eyed up at her with dirt smudges all over her face, frozen in place.  When the girl made no movement to take the jacket from her hands, Faith laid it over the girl like a blanket.  Faith smiled at the girl, and started to walk away.
“Thank you Miss!”  The girl’s weak voice echoed down the block.  “God bless you!”
Faith turned back around and looked into the girl’s dark- brown eyes.   “And God bless you!”  She replied, smiling. 
The rest of the way home, Faith hugged herself to try and keep warm.  The sun had set nearly 30 minutes ago, and it felt like it was 20 degrees. 
“It probably is!” Faith said to herself out loud.   Just as she was climbing up the front porch stairs, she felt a wet drop on her right arm.  She looked down at it, and then up at the sky.  As if to answer her unvoiced question, thunder started to roll in the distance, and raindrops once again started to fall.  Faith groaned as she opened the door to her home. 
“Thank you Lord for waiting until I got home!”  She prayed, as she slumped against the front door.  She laid her head back against the door and closed her eyes.  Warm hair greeted her body, and the smell of her mother’s famous chili floated from the kitchen.
Faith slid her shoes off from her frozen feet, and made her way into the kitchen.  As if on cue, her stomach growled loudly. 
“Woah!” A voice said in reply.
Faith glance to her right as her little brother said that.
“Thanks a lot Davy.” Faith said sarcastically, ruffling his dark blonde hair.
“Oh my, Faith!”  Her mother exclaimed.  “You lips are as blue as blueberries!  Is it really that cold out?”
Heat rushed to Faith’s face as she replied, “Yes ma’am. It really is…”
“Well you need to start wearing your coat then!”  Her mother replied, obviously oblivious to the fact that Faith’s face was now red from her secret.
“Yes ma’am.” Faith replied again.  She walked over to the cabinets and pulled open the doors, and proceeded to take out bowls for the chili. 
Without a word she handed the four bowls to Davy and walked over to the drawer and grabbed four spoons.  Walking over to the table, she set the spoons down on the side of the bowls and turned to her brother just in time to see Davy swipe a black olive from the bowl on the table.  She gave him a mocked disappointed look and shook her head.  Ruffling his hair as she passed by him, she went over to the cabinets and pulled out the cups.  Looking over her shoulder she spied Davy going for another olive.  Slamming the cups on the counter, she rushed over to her brother just in time to swat his hand, knocking the olive out of his hand that was already half-way to his mouth.  With a “glop” sound, it splashed back into the juice.  Davy turned to glare at Faith, Faith returned the glare with an evil smile, and took an olive out of the bowl herself and, popping it into her mouth, she walked away.

The next morning Faith checked her phone and saw that she had a text message from Drew.
“Good morning Beautiful!” It said, “I’m free tonight, what if I pick you up at your house at 8 and we go out?”
Faith smiled as she replied back affirming that night’s plans.
She got out of her warm bed and pulled her robe around her small frame, and tightened the rope around her waist.  She put her cold feet into her slippers and walked down stairs. 
“Good morning!”  She sang to her mother.
“Ugh!” Her mom answered back.  “How two night owls end up with a morning bird, I have no idea.  How can you be so happy in the mornings?” 
Faith just laughed and skipped over to where her mother was, and planted a kiss on her mother’s cheek.
Opening the pantry, Faith stuck her head in, looking for something good to eat.  Pulling out some chocolate flavored pop tarts, Faith poured herself a glass of milk and walked over to the kitchen table.
“Drew asked if he and I could go out tonight.” Faith started, “May we?”
Her mother smiled and winked before saying, “Of course you can!”
“Thanks Mom!” Faith cried, throwing her arms around her mother’s neck.
Her mother patted her arms, and then said, “Okay, you better start getting ready for school young lady!”
“Yes ma’am!” Faith said, gliding up the stairs.

As Faith was walking to school, she had an odd feeling, like someone was watching her.  Though she looked around, glancing in all directions, she tried to shrug the feeling off just as her being too paranoid.  She had had this feeling for over two weeks now, but nothing had happened and she never saw anything.   Once again, she couldn’t spot anything or anyone that seemed dangerous, so she kept walking.
The morning passed slowly for Faith.  Not only was she looking forward to tonight, she was also looking forward to her last class of the day, play practice.  The theater group decided to do Robin Hood, and Faith was picked to be Maid Marian.  The only girls who were excited about that fact were Faith herself, and her best friend, Lauren, who, when it was announced that Faith was to be Maid Marian, threw her arms around Faith’s neck, almost knocking her down, crying “I knew you’d be her! I just knew it!” 
Today as she walked into the room her practice was held in, no one was around, so Faith sat down on one of the seats, and started reading over her lines some more.  She waited for 10 minutes, and when no one came, Faith decided to practice on the stage.  She looked around before slowly getting up and climbing the three stairs onto the stage.   Once there, she glanced around the room once more to make sure no one was there, and then proceeded to recite her lines.  Faith did her best to feel the way she thought Marian would feel at that moment, act the way she pictured Marian would act, and think the way she thought.  Faith was so engrossed in her own world, that she didn’t notice the figure of a stranger sneak into the room and hide between two benches, lustfully watching her every move as a lion watches its prey.   After a few minutes, people started showing up, and the stranger slid down lower to the floor, once he was sure that no one would see him, he slowly got up and snuck back out of the room.
After school, Faith was walking back to her house, and felt the same feeling like someone was watching her.  Shivers flew up and down her spin as she once again looked self-consciously around her.  Just then her phone buzzed which caused her to jump and her heart pound in her chest.  With shaky hands she checked her phone.
“I’m missing you over here.” Drew’s text said, “Can’t wait for our date tonight! ;)”
Faith let out her breath that she hadn’t realized she had been holding, and smiled.  Warmth traveled to her face as she sent back, “I’m missing you too! I can’t wait either! :D”
Looking around once more, Faith continued her way to her house.  Climbing the stairs to her front door, she looked once more over her shoulder and saw a white car parked on the other side of the road.  It looked familiar somehow, but she couldn’t place it.  Cold chills once again shot up her spine, which made her involuntarily shiver.  Pushing her door open, Faith tried to push aside the uneasy feeling she had in her gut.  She had things to do- homework and getting ready for her date with Drew tonight.
“Beep! Beep!”  The sound of her alarm went off.  Faith’s head shot up from her homework, and she glanced at the clock, 7:00. 
“Time to start getting ready!” She sang to herself as she shot up from her bed and rushed over to her closet.   Pulling open her closet doors she sighed as she looked at the disaster before her.  Shoes lay sprawled on her closet floor, and skirts and dresses were hung up in a careless fashion.  Rolling her eyes she cried the pitiful cry that every girl cries on her first official date; “I have nothing to wear!”
Pushing skirt after skirt, dress after dress aside, she looked through her closet with the air of utter discuss.
“No, No- Oh my no ma’am!”  She mumbled to herself as she tossed each one aside.
In the short of five minutes Faith’s bedroom floor was covered in clothes and shoes. 
“Ah-ha!”  She cried suddenly.  Holding the dress at arm’s length so that she could fully see it, she smiled as she jumped up and down and screamed, “This is the one!”
The smiled faded quickly, though, as she turned and saw her room.  “Oh…my…” She whispered.  “Oh boy...”
Stepping over each piece of clothing, Faith made her way to her bed and tossed the dress on her bed.  Glancing once more around her now-messy room, she sighed and promised herself she would clean it later that night, as she proceeded to get ready.
The doorbell rang at 8 o’clock sharp. 
“I’ll get it!”  Faith yelled as she rushed down the stairs to answer the door.
  Eyes glimmering and smile big, she opened the door and welcomed Drew into the house. 
“Wow!” He exclaimed, freely looking her up and down.  “You look beautiful! I am one lucky fella’!”
And Drew was right, Faith did look stunning.  With her honey-blonde ringlet curls, big, sharp, dazzling, green eyes, pure complexion- which now held a slight pink tint of blush to it from Drew’s complement- a form-fitting, knee-high, red dress, down to her matching red, high-heeled shoes, which made her 5’7” stature a total of 5’8”, a perfect height for Drew’s 5’11”.
“Well thank you!” She replied, ducking her head to try and hide her blush.  “Mom!” She cried, “Drew’s here! I’ll see you guys later tonight!”
As she and Drew walked out, he held his car door open for her, as she slid into the passenger’s side of the seat.  Goosebumps covered her bare legs and her teeth uncontrollably chattered as she waited for Drew to get in the car. 
‘Blah I should have worn something warmer!’ She thought to herself as she clamped her jaw shut to try and stop her chattering.
Soon Drew was in the car and the heat was blowing.  Faith stopped shivering and was now feeling comfortable.  She glanced to her right and studied Drew’s profile.  A smile spread across her lips.  Though he wasn’t what you would call ‘hot’, Drew had nice features.  With his baby face and blue eyes and long, blonde lashes that matched his bleach blonde hair, he was somewhat of a beach boy.
Ha!” Faith thought, “A beach boy in Chicago.  Now who would’ve thought?”
“What are you thinking?”
Faith blinked as she realized Drew was now looking at her also.
“Huh?” She asked.
Drew chuckled and said, “You were staring- then smiling.  What were you thinking?”
“Oh really? Sorry.” Blush seeped onto her cheeks as she realized that.
“What were you thinking?” Drew asked again.
“Oh, just that I feel very lucky right now!” She said, smiling and blushing again.
Drew looked again at Faith and smiled.  Grabbing her hand in his right one, he said, “Me too.  Me too.”
Faith smiled bigger and settled into her seat a bit more and leaned back.   This was going to be a wonderful night.
And wonderful night it was.  They pulled into a new restraunt called Robin’s Hood, which rumor had it was the place to go, though of course, it was pricy.  It had just opened a week ago, and was completely a success.
“What are we doing here?” Faith asked, looking at Drew.   She tried to hide the fact that she was beyond excited to go here, but her eyes grew round with excitement and her mouth made an ‘O’ shape with a slight tilt at the tips, showing the beginning of a smile.  Though she was excited about the place, she didn’t want to make him become broke.
“We’re eating.” Drew replied, a glimmer of fun in his eyes.  “Is that a problem?”
“No, it’s just really expensive and…”  Faith’s voice trailed off, she didn’t have any other objections.
“Well, I figured I’d take my Maid Marian to where she belongs!”  Drew replied.
Faith glanced down at her hands folded on her lap and blushed again.  He was perfect!
Drew got out and walked to the other side and opened the door for her.  As Faith got out, the cold air once again hit her skin and she started to shiver.  Drew pulled her close and they walked into the restraunt together.  Once they got in, Faith’s whole face was now red.  Partly from the cold slapping her in the face, the other was from being so close to Drew.
“How many?” A girl at the register asked.  She was dressed in Lincoln green uniform that looked more like one of Santa’s elves than a merry man costume.  She also wore a small triangular hat on her beached hair, a feather stuck out of the point on the top of her hat.  Her hair was pulled back in a careless fashion, creating her many layers of hair to stick out in all different directions, and her facial expression showed that she was ready to be off work.  Her make-up was thickly caked on to the point where it looked unrealistic and unappealing.  And her fake tan contrasted sharply with her uniform.
“Two.” Drew said, smiling down at Faith.
Faith glanced up at Drew and smiled back at him.  This was going to be a night to remember!
After dinner they went to a movie.  Finding their seats they sat down and waited for the movie to start.  Once the lights dimmed and the movie started, Faith was watching the movie when she felt something touch her hand.  She looked down and saw Drew’s big hand covering hers.  She glanced up into his face which was smiling down at her.  She smiled back and turned back to the movie.
He’s holding my hand!” He mind cried.  She wanted to jump up right then and call Lauren and tell her.  But thankfully common sense still had a grip on her, and she stayed put.
As the movie progressed though, she felt herself have to go to the bathroom.
Please no! At least wait until after the movie!”
But no, she couldn’t hold it anymore.  Leaning to her left she whispered into Drew’s ear that she was going to the bathroom.   Drew nodded and released Faith’s hand.  A small sigh escaped her lips as she once had her hand back to herself, wishing that Drew still had it.
As she walked out into the hallway, she heard a voice behind her say her name.  Spinning around quickly, she was shocked and a little scared when she didn’t see anyone there. 
“I did hear it, right?  It was real?” She asked herself as she continued to the bathroom.  Blowing it off, she finished up in the bathroom and started walking back to the theatre when she heard it again, “Faith!”  The voice cried.   Though soft, it was loud enough that she could hear, and she knew this time that it wasn’t just her imagination.
“Who is it?”  Faith asked, trying to pretend to not be scared.
“Faith, please don’t go back in there with him.  I’m the one that loves you- not him!  Come with me!”
“W-who is this?”  Faith asked, no longer able to disguise the shakiness in her voice.
“You don’t remember me?”  The voice sounded hurt.
Against her better judgment, Faith found herself taking steps closer to the voice.  She soon saw a dark figure of a man in the shadows.
“No, I’m sorry, I don’t.” Faith replied.  “But if you tell me your name, I might remember.”
“No. You know who this is.  You’re just playing games with me.  You’re just trying to be mean.  But it’s okay, Faith.  I’ll play along.  I won’t be hurt.  I like playing games.”
The oblivious and childish tone in the man’s deep voice scared Faith.  It sounded like he should belong in a psycho hospital or something.  Suddenly it hit her.  The guy who came into work a couple months ago!”  Fear gripped her even more as she realized who she was dealing with.
“Are you the guy who came into my work the month?” Faith asked, trying to remain calm, as she searched her jacket pocket for her phone.
“Yes! I’m Jacob! I knew you remembered me!”  The voice replied.
“Well Jacob, I’d love to stay and chat, but my date is in the movie theatre and I need to get back.  But it was good talking to you again.”
“No! You can’t leave me again!” Jacob cried.
Faith flashbacked to a couple of months ago at work when Jacob first came in, Faith’s co-workers swore he had mental problems or multiple personality disorder.  No one else wanted to wait on him at the bookstore, so Faith did.  Apparently she was a little too nice or helpful, because he came in twice every week since then, and would only allow himself to be helped by her.  He would spend an hour or two in the store each time, and would only shop for ten or twenty minutes, the rest of the time he would be either watching Faith or trying to talk to her.  The first few times Faith was okay with, but then he started to harass and touch her.  She talked to her boss and the next time he came in, he was asked to leave.  He got extremely mad and yelled in her direction, ‘I will see you again!’ 
He hadn’t come back for three weeks, and Faith had forgotten about him- until now.  Maybe it was him who had been creating the uneasy feeling within her for the last two weeks.  Now she understood.  He must have followed her home one day after work.
“I was never with you, so I’m not leaving you.  I’m just going back to my date. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“No!” Jacob cried again, this time plunging towards her, grabbing her arm.
“Let me go, Jacob!”  Faith cried, turning to hit his hand with her free hand.
He grabbed it with his other hand and started pulling her into the shadows.
Faith planted her heals into the theatre carpet and pulled back with all her might.
“Jacob no! I’m not going anywhere with you! Now let me go! I’m going to scream if you don’t let me go!”
“You need to love me because I love you!” He replied, his strength growing stronger as she tried to pull away.
“Jacob I don’t love you! I’m going to scream!”
In answer to that Jacob quickly pulled her arm into him, pushing her body closer to his.  Letting go from one of her arms her quickly grabbed her around the waist and picked her up.  Faith kicked and started to scream as both his arms were now clasped around her waist, locking her arms down by her side with his strong grip. 
 “Help! Someone please help me! I’m being kidnapped!” She cried.
Just then Faith felt his grip go lose, but before she could react, something sharp hit her head and the room started spinning.
“Help me!” She whimpered as she lost consciousness.

Faith opened her eyes and was surprised to see bright, flashing lights.  Blue, red and white lights contrasted with the blackness of the night. 
“Where am I?” She whispered.   “Heaven?”
Just then a face appeared above her face.  “She’s awake!”  The voice cried.  “Ma’am, are you okay?”
“Ow!” Faith cried as a sharp pain shot through her head.  She reached her hand up to touch it, and before the man could stop her she placed her hand on her head where it hurt and felt something wet and sticky.  Bringing her hand to where she could see it, she ignored the man’s “Wait ma’am!” and looked at her hand.  Red liquid covered her fingers, and she gasped as a drop of blood fell from her hand to her bare skin.  She started shivering and realized she barely had any clothes on in the freezing cold of the night. ‘What happened?  She asked herself before she slipped back into unconsciousness.

‘Beep, beep, beep’.  Faith was woken by the sound of soft beeping.  She forced her eyes open and looked around.  White washed walls on all angles greeted her eyes as she searched the room for some kind of sign to tell her where she was.  It didn’t take her very long to figure it out though, the smell of the hospital and the IV in her arm gave it away.
“Why am I in the hospital?” She asked herself.  Trying to remember what happened.  Memories came flooding back; movies, Drew, blood, her head, Jacob.  Jacob! What happened?  Faith sat up quickly only to let out a cry of anguish and lay back down.  A nurse came speed walking in and stuck her head back outside the door and yelled, “She’s awake!” Immediately a doctor and another nurse rushed into the room and walked to her bedside.  “How are you feeling?” The doctor asked.
“What happened to me?” Faith asked, not comprehending his question.  She saw the two nurses glance at each other and then look back at her in a sympathetic manner.  Fear gripped her hear as she looked back at the doctor.  He was hesitant before saying, “I’m going to send your mother in, but first, how are you feeling?”
“Mom? My mom is here?” Forgetting once again, Faith shot up in bed, only to release another cry and lay back down.
“Yes she’s here.  But you need to settle down.  You have a nasty bump on your head, and you need to rest.  How are you feeling?” The doctor asked for the third time.
“My head hurts.” Faith said.
“Understandable…” The doctor said.  “You were hit pretty hard.”
“What was I hit with?”
“A beer glass.  We found some glass in your head, and so we had to take it out.”
“Is that why I’m still here? Oh thank God! I thought it was something worse!”
Another set of glances were thrown to each other by the nurses when Faith said that.
“T-there is more, isn’t there?” Faith asked.
Just then her mother came in.
“Faith!” Her mom cried.
Her mom was by her bedside in a matter of seconds and embracing Faith.
“I was so worried!” Her mother sobbed.
“I’m okay Momma! I’m okay!” Faith replied, hugging her mom’s shaking frame.
After a few minutes her mom had calmed down.  She sat up and held Faith at arm’s length.
Faith was now dying from curiosity, “How long have I been here?” She started.
“2 days.” Her mom replied, wiping another fallen tear from her cheek.
“And what happened to Joey?” Faith asked.
At the mention of that name, her mom broke down again.  A fresh flood of tears escaped her eyes.
“Mom?” Faith’s eyes grew wide in shock.  An idea hit her like a title wave.  Her heart sunk and it felt like the breath was taken out of her.  Her head grew tight and a horrible ringing sound echoed in her ears.  The room closed in and she felt like she was dreaming.
“Did I-” She whispered. “Was I-”
Her mother’s sorrowful face removed all doubt from Faith’s mind.  With a scream she covered her mouth with her hands.  Her shocked expression never left her face as she heaved huge sobs.  Her mom grabbed Faith and pulled her close to her.  Although her mom’s arms encircled her body, Faith didn’t move her position.  They stayed like this until Faith calmed down a little bit.  She pulled away from her mom.  Shame filled her being as she subconsciously pulled her hospital gown closed, as if trying to cover some of the shame she felt.  She had been raped.  She was no longer pure. 

Faith spent the next 3 days in the hospital.  The doctor wanted to make sure everything was okay.  She had lots of visitors while she was there.  Families from her church, friends from school, Lauren came the most.  The one visitor who did not come was the one that cut Faith to the core.  Drew didn’t show up once.  No card, no message, no text, nothing.  It was like she had never existed to him.  On time when Lauren came, Faith asked her about him.  Lauren looked down at the hospital bed and mumbled something.  When Faith asked Lauren to repeat that, Lauren looked up and told Faith to forget about Drew.  “He isn’t worth anything!” She said.  Faith was puzzled by her best friend’s comment, but didn’t bring him back up, although it was killing her inside. 
Finally the hospital released Faith.  The ride home was quiet.  At the beginning, her dad and mom tried to make small talk, trying to pull her into conversations.  But after a while they realized it was useless and the car became quiet again.  Davy was the first one out of the car when they pulled up to their house.  As Faith took the step down from the car onto the gravel, she glanced at her house.  The whitewashed walls on the outside contrasted sharply with the diagonal position of the crisscrossed dark-brown wooden beams that were over the entire outside, making the house look European.  The steps to the porch had a flowerpot on each step, and in the spring and summer there would be flowerpots hanging from the porch ceiling.  Faith silently made her way up the steps, into the house, up the stairs and into her room.  Closing her door quietly, she stood in the doorway looking blankly around.  How could just one week ago her life was going perfectly, and then in a blink of an eye, everything turns upside down?  Faith didn’t know how long she had been standing there, but a small knock on her door startled her. 
“Come in.” She said lifelessly.
Her mom’s head poked through the door.  “Need some help?”
“With what?” Faith asked defensively.
“I don’t know…” Her mom’s voice trailed off.  “With anything.”
“I have nothing that I need unpacked, nothing I need cleaned…”  At that last part Faith glanced around the room, remembering that she had never cleaned her room after that night.  “Who cleaned my room?”  She asked.
“Well, I did.  You were gone, and I didn’t really have anything else to occupy my mind…and…I thought I would help…” Her mom’s voice trailed off in an unsure way.
“Yes Mom” Faith said, a little harsher than she would have liked.  “I was gone.  I was in the hospital.  I wasn’t dead. I didn’t die!”
“I know Honey…” Her mom said, trying to sooth her.
“Don’t ‘honey’ me!” Faith screamed.  “I’m not dead! I was raped! Okay? Raped!  Some lunatic raped me and I’ll never be the same again! I don’t need your help!”
Faith’s mom just stood there as if frozen in place.  Tears began streaming down her face as her body moved up and down in slight shakes.
Faith fell to the floor, crumpling her body up in a ball.  She screamed into her carpet and pounded her fists against the floor.  She felt like her heart would pop out of her chest at any moment.  In deep, heaving sobs, she moved her arms so that they encircled her waist, hugging herself she rocked back and forth on her legs. 
“Oh God I was raped!” She cried between sobs.  “What am I going to do? Oh Mommy help me! Help me please!”
Within seconds her mother was by her side, suffocating her with her arms as she pulled her daughter into a hug. 
Mother and daughter, embraced in an unwavering bond, wept together, both knowing that their lives would never be the same again.

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